Frequently Asked Questions

Preguntas frecuentes Kybalion

A Crypto Ecosystem refers to a set of interconnected elements that work Around cryptocurrencies and the technology Blockchain. This ecosystem includes different. Actors, platforms, projects and services related to cryptocurrencies and their Underlying infrastructure.

In a typical crypto ecosystem, Find the following components:

  1. Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrencies are Digital assets that use cryptography to ensure the security of transactions and control the creation of new units. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, but there are many others, such as Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.
  2. Blockchain: Blockchain is a technology of distributed ledger that serves as the foundation of public and transparent data that stores all transactions and Activities related to Cryptocurrencies. It allows verification, security and immutability of Transactions.
  3. Exchanges: Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms where users They can buy, sell and exchange Cryptocurrencies. These platforms facilitate Liquidity and cryptocurrency trading at provide interfaces and services for Transact.
  4. Wallets: Wallets are applications or devices that enable users to store and manage their Cryptocurrencies safely. They can be software portfolios (mobile applications or desktop) or hardware wallets (specialized physical devices).
  5. ICOS and STOS: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOS) and Security Token Offerings (STOS) are Financing methods used by Blockchain projects to raise funds. In an ICO, tokens are issued to finance a project, while in a STO tokens are issued representing an active or right.
  6. DApps: Decentralized applications (DApps) are applications that run in the blockchain instead of on a server centralized. These applications leverage the features of the blockchain, such as transparency and security, and generally have native tokens associated with them.
  7. Developers and communities: The Crypto ecosystem is powered by an Active community of developers who create and constantly improve Blockchain technology and applications

Kybalion is a Crypto Ecosystem composed of three projects: TheMusa, Cuarks and Expace. These projects were created to be intrinsically connected to generate A more intuitive and simpler environment in the form of commercialized art, thanks to the Marketplace of The Musa, information crossed between different cryptocurrencies such as Cuarks and revolutionize the decentralized storage with Expace. In This ecosystem that we can call "Self-sustaining" in the crypto world, it is intended to Be part of the community, not only in its mass adoption, if not also in utilities and benefits obtained from it.

Kybalion will function as an ecosystem unified that will support and supply the Resources needed for the right Operation of the three projects that they constitute, to provide a platform. Complete for artists, companies and users interested in taking advantage of the Blockchain technology more simply.

Users who join the Kybalion project may be a form of shareholders, being able to receive direct economic benefits of 11% of the monetization of the ecosystem. It's important to consider that the term "shareholders" or "Action" is used for the understanding of the concept. Not an action in the strict sense of the term. It does not grant in this case the right to Voting or decision-making. Although it does give rights economic to the owners of the NFT TheMusa, who will be the beneficiaries of the distribution economic mentioned, obtaining each NFT a percentage as if it were an action.

To be part of Kybalion and be a beneficiary of the economic income of the ecosystem will be necessary to buy an NFT from the collection of TheMusa, with the purchase of this NFT not only you will be buying a fragment of a work artistic work of an important artist, if not that Furthermore, it is the access key to belonging to the ecosystem. There are 10,000 NFTs to distribute 11% of the benefits obtained by the ecosystem and the projects that constitute it.

NFTion is the term used for the understanding of the concept. It is not an action in the strict sense of the term. Does not grant this right to vote or decision-making. Although if it gives economic rights to the owners of the NFT TheMusa, who will be beneficiaries of the economic distribution mentioned, obtaining each NFT a percentage as if it were an action. NFtion grants on a semi-annual basis, the distribution of economic benefits obtained in all projects that encompasses the future Ecosystem Kybalion among all NFT owners TheMuse.

At first, Kybalion is made up of TheMusa, Cuarks and Expace, being able to expand in other projects that are necessary for sustaining or expanding the ecosystem in the conditions and terms determined by the founders.

TheMusa is a collection of NFTS on the net Polygon. It consists of 10,000 unique NFTs that include fragments in digital images of the original art "The Muses of Modesto Trigo Trigo". Each NFT is authentic and cannot be duplicated. Early buyers will also receive high-quality files of the full picture. Is It important to note that TheMusa is not just an NFT collection, the possession of an NFT TheMusa offers exclusive benefits as part of the Kybalion ecosystem as a shareholder, hence the term NFTion, creating a community of investors, collectors and artists who are involved in unique projects in the crypto world. This collection redefines interaction with art digital and opens new opportunities in the preservation of art through technology blockchain.

Before the Mint, we will be releasing a version beta of our marketplace, which stands out for providing tools to accompany the artists, if needed, to digitize, tokenize and commercialize their works of both physical and digital art.

The physical painting of TheMusa will be in the Custody of Kybalion, although it will belong to the entire community and Kybalion, chart to be used to present at events and exhibitions both in Spain as Internationally, this is part of the dynamics, events and activities that will be pushed from

The additional benefits in the ecosystem Kybalion are designed to provide benefits to our first NFTS buyers in TheMuse. Once the initial sales, are the first buyers will be able to enjoy exclusive discounts, access to events and other exciting benefits. Our goal is to reward those who believe in our project since its inception. Therefore, once the NFTS are sold, we will activate them, and We will grant these additional benefits to the first buyers. We are working hard to achieve this stage and We will keep you informed about the deadlines and exact details. Thank you for supporting Kybalion!

To receive the benefits in the ecosystem of Kybalion, we will implement a system of automated distribution. Once I know has completed the 6-month and have calculated the benefits generated by the projects, a distribution will be made proportional among the 10,000 owners of NFTS. The distribution will be made directly in the digital wallets associated with the addresses of the NFTS that you own. The details information about the distribution process, including dates and specific methods, will be provided in future updates and official communications. We are committed to ensuring the distribution of fair and secure benefits and we want to make sure you can fully enjoy the economic results generated by the Kybalion ecosystem. We appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our project!

From the beginning, art has been a way of expressing ideas, with it we get out of the routine and makes us think and dream of alternative ways and various. Buy a fragment of a painting This importance allows you to be part of something else great, especially with TheMusa, that its value does not lie in the painting itself, but rather it becomes an access key to enter the entire Kybalion ecosystem.

  • Discounts for future purchases of NFTS of Modesto Trigo Trigo and future artists within our platform.
  • Assignment of certain copyrights for the art buyers within our platform.
  • Certificate of authenticity of the work of art.
  • Exploitation of Physical Art: A collection of the community including The Musa. It will go creating a collection of the artists who enter the platform, acquiring works physically, it will remain in the custody of the Kybalion facilities and will be in proportion to their entire community.
  • They will be exhibited in different galleries and museums all over the world and part of the benefits will be distributed among the holders who own the NFT TheMusa.
  • Exclusive group: The MusaPass will be created, with access to interact with artists and collectors of and NFT TheMusa.
  • Exclusive passes to Galleries in the Metaverse.
  • For artists: receive premium support from the TheMusa support team.
  • Authenticity Certifications through the platform.
  • Constant exhibitions of physical works and profit sharing.
  • Artists who are Holders will receive a 5% discount on network commissions.
  • For collectors: guaranteed access and exclusive prices to carry out sales or private auctions of the different collections within the TheMusa platform.
  • Remember that when you buy the NFT TheMusa you will be able to enjoy multiple benefits that you will see below on all the projects of the future Kybalion Ecosystem, including Cuarks and Expace.

You will be able to acquire your NFT on our platform and it will be available on the Polygon Network.

TheMusa's Physical Painting will be in the Kybalion offices and may be transferred to special events and exhibitions.

We know that education is essential to enter the crypto world, therefore we invite you to our community on Telegram

There are 10,000 fragments converted to NFTS for 10,000 lucky ones to receive the benefits and utilities of the Kyb project.

No, the Kybalion projects will not be released simultaneously. According to our Road map, the next step will be the creation of Expace marketplace and Cuarks will be developed and implemented progressively and in parallel. Expace will start with a beta version to ensure the efficiency and security of the platform before its full launch. Each project will be released according to its schedule, thus ensuring successful execution and adoption in the Kybalion ecosystem.

Cuarks will be one of the cryptocurrencies of our ecosystem that also works as a bridge between the Ethereum network, allowing the Communication of Assets with Expace, an innovative Blockchain part of our Kybalion ecosystem.

Total Revenues

4.66% of the Fee on Cuarks transactions will be distributed among TheMusa holders.

Cuarks & TheMusaPass

Thanks to exclusive access to TheMusa Pass, TheMusa NFT holders will be able to access the first private Tokens pre-sale

Staking & Farming

TheMusa NFT Holders will have a +5% return on Staking & Farming of the Cuarks cryptocurrency.

Expace is an innovative Blockchain that aims to revolutionize cloud storage in a secure and decentralized way. Expace will be one of the first blockchains to allow the storage of any type of file within its blockchain, which entails confidential and decentralized storage of information. Expace will be part of our Marketplace since it will be one of the pioneers in storing NFTS within its chain of blocks.

Expace is a blockchain with many functionalities, but, in general terms in terms of storage, Expace is a blockchain network created specifically to store files in a decentralized way. When saving a file in our blockchain, it is fragmented and distributed in various nodes, which means that your file will not be centralized on a server but divided into parts throughout the network. Only your device will be able to reassemble these files.

We are pioneers in decentralized storage, we go beyond the discovery of chain file printing, with Expace your files will be disaggregated in our network, to guarantee the privacy of the information stored.

4.66% of the Fee on Expace transactions will be distributed among TheMusa holders Thanks to the exclusive access of TheMusaPass, TheMusa NET holders will be able to access the first private storage pre-sale. TheMusa holders will be able to choose between one of these gifts for the launch of Expace: o 1Gb of storage for a Lifetime Block. o O Gb of storage for Temporary Blockchain. o 1Gb of storage for Blockchain for life.

Expace offers benefits such as secure and scalable blockchain technology, turnkey tools and solutions, support and collaboration, access to a global network, and guaranteed privacy. These benefits can improve the efficiency, security and competitiveness of your company or boost the growth of personal projects in the field of blockchain technology.